Рассказы на английском языке с аудио
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- Lost In The Woods
- The First Flight
- The Dirty Pig
- The Birthday Gift
- The Halloween Sheep
- Shopping at the store
- The School
- Persuaded
- The story of an hour
- Two peas in a pod
- The adventure of my aunt
- The Exact Science of Matrimony
- The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
- Beyond Pandora
- The Sphinx Without a Secret
- The Man with an Umbrella
- Penpal
- Night Watchmen
- The Errors of Santa Claus
- How the Camel Got His Hump
- One thousand dollars
- A Pair of Silk Stockings
- A Municipal Report
- The Picture
- A haircut every two weeks
- A visit to Asia
- Two brothers
- The Skier
- Cash on delivery
- Beginning the New Year
- The Selfish Giant
- Mr Harris and the Night Train
- The Girl With Green Eyes
- The Stonecutter
- Room for One More
- A Magic Ring
- Hit the Floor!
- Coat from the Dead
- Journey’s End
- The Charm
- The Other Man
- The Doll
- Lost Love
- The Memento
- A Walk in Amnesia
- The interesting most boring man
- A serious case
- Tildy’s Moment
- Mr. Smith’s new nose
- The Christmas Presents
- Soapy’s Choice